5 tips to refresh your communication approach for the new financial year

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Calm Communicationâ„¢, Strategy


It’s a predictable question, but seriously how is it the end of June?

Here are some tips to help you refresh your approach to communication for the new financial year or the remainder of 2021.

1. Review and refine your communication strategy
I recommend clients refresh their strategy every 6 months to keep it relevant and fit for purpose, and check it is still aligned with the business priorities and plans. The activities you have completed should have been evaluated, and with anything you haven’t achieved, you need to ask why. Is it a lack of resources? Does it no longer fit with your plans and priorities?

2. Stop. Start. Continue
Taking a fresh look at your communication calendar and activities through the lens of stop, start, continue, is quick and effective. You keep what works, stop doing what doesn’t, and set yourself up to start the activities that you know will shift the dial.

3. Stakeholder review and check in
Alongside reviewing your strategic approach and activities, you should also review your stakeholders to ensure your communication activities are still effectively tailored to audience. There are multiple ways to check in with stakeholders, and its something you should do regularly, but a mid-year or start of financial year pulse check survey to see if their needs or interests have changed, is a good idea. If a survey is not your thing, then think about more in-depth conversational interviews or quick check ins as part of your regular interactions.

4. Scan the horizon
A key element of being proactive (rather than reactive) in your communication activities is to scan the horizon. Knowing not only what is coming next in your business but also having visibility of your industry sector, and the broader economic and political landscape, can help you prepare for future challenges (think crisis and issues management) and be ready to seize opportunities (think launch timing, media, social media, policy or investment changes).

5. Brush up on communication skills
As an executive, leader, spokesperson or as a team, it is important to prioritise and keep working on mastering your communication skills. You may have a board or an executive team that needs to improve skills, or you may have a communication ‘moment’ (big presentation, media announcement, launch, event) that you need to prepare for, so take the time to book in a session with a communication coach and make sure you are on message, and ready to tell your story effectively.

If you’d like to talk through your communication plans for the new financial year, need some help with strategy and stakeholders or need a coach to refresh communication skills, then open a conversation at hello@theLKBagency.com.au

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