Presenting with certainty – 10 tips to staying calm when you take to the stage
Once you have your story and message right, all that's left is to deliver it to your audience. I want to take you through some of the tips I take my coaching clients through when prepping them to deliver a speech, presentation or any other big communication...
5 year anniversary
I suddenly realise how little I stop and reflect, and really think about everything our business has achieved in its five years. The fact that this is the first time we have properly celebrated a birthday is absolute evidence of this! I've been so focused on...
5 tips to refresh your communication approach for the new financial year
It's a predictable question, but seriously how is it the end of June? Here are some tips to help you refresh your approach to communication for the new financial year or the remainder of 2021. 1. Review and refine your communication strategy I recommend clients...
5 non-verbal communication insights to help you lead, share your story and influence your audience
In part one of our how to become a master communicator series, I am sharing some insights into non-verbal communication. These insights will help you to improve your communication - whether you are leading your team, presenting or for any communication moment where...
Making the ‘hybrid’ workshop, work
It’s hard to believe it has been nearly 12 months since we had to master running workshops and events remotely, but as teams return to work in their offices and restrictions lift for venues, there are new challenges to master. As combining in person...
5 simple steps to help kick start your 2021 planning
Has 2020 left a dent in your communication goals? Nobody can deny planning took a back seat last year, and even though there is still some uncertainty about the road ahead, planning your communication and engagement for 2021 should be a priority. Planning and...
What is Calm communicationâ„¢ and why does it matter?
Calm communicationâ„¢ is my formula for taking a more strategic, calm and considered approach to the what, why, how and when of communication. It's easy to only focus on what's immediately in front of you - a problem that needs to be solved, a goal that needs...
5 Rules of strategic storytelling
There is nothing new about storytelling in business. It is one of the most effective ways to communicate your ideas and engage with your audience, but how do we do this strategically so its not just a flash in the pan result, but has long term impacts that...
The power of calm – 5 tips for calm communication during times of uncertainty
As many businesses prepare themselves for what will undoubtedly be a challenging time over the coming months, leaders will need to draw on their communication skills more than ever, remaining calm and considered in their approach to informing and reassuring the...