Transport for NSW (Freight Branch) Emergency response evaluation


A co-designed approach to improving communication processes and procedures during unplanned emergencies on the transport network.


Transport for NSW (Freight Branch)


LKB was engaged by the Freight Branch in the Regional and Outer Metropolitan division of Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to co-design improvements to the way TfNSW communicates with freight stakeholders during emergencies. LKB needed to investigate and work closely with both TfNSW and industry to co-design a suite of improved communication materials.


Following several years of emergency communications from TfNSW to industry, including Covid 19 response, bushfires and floods, LKB wanted to understand the experiences of stakeholders and to co-design improved communication processes and procedures.

LKB’s initial steps included a full review of current processes, procedures and communications documents which were being used by the branch, and stakeholder mapping to identify key audience groups (internal and external) for emergency incidents.

To understand what stakeholders wants and needs are when working with TfNSW during emergencies, LKB designed a research approach that included a series of qualitative interviews with stakeholders. These interviews were used to identify gaps and opportunities for the branch to improve their processes and protocols and seek input from stakeholders into the communications processes and materials that were being redesigned. Following the inputs from stakeholders, LKB provided TFNSW with key recommendations on the appropriate processes and procedures that will improve stakeholder relationships and keep them informed during emergencies and unplanned events.


LKB developed new communication materials, co-designed with stakeholders, to support the key recommendations including;


A guide to unplanned disruptions to the network which detailed appropriate protocol and communications tools for the freight branch to use when navigating emergencies, including key messages, fact sheets and processes.


Ways of Working charter for internal teams.


Supply chain group briefing documents which outline the appropriate process and guideline to stand up a meeting during emergencies.

These products are being rolled out by the Freight Branch so they can more effectively communicate with industry during unplanned disruptions to the transport network.