A communication strategy to support the Seabirds to Seascapes Program in NSW
Developing an aligned approach to communication and engagement for a NSW Government program.
Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (Formerly Department of Planning and Environment) Environment and Heritage Group.
LKB was engaged by the Department of Planning and Environment’s Environment and Heritage Group to develop their Seabirds to Seascapes project communications and engagement plan and protocols documentation.
Seabirds to Seascapes aims to restore the important habitat in Sydney Harbour and support penguin and seal populations in New South Wales. The project brought together three different streams of work which created challenges in the development of a unified approach to communications and engagement.
LKB engaged with the program’s project leads to better understanding the purpose of their stream, the scope of work being delivered and their target audience.
With a clear understanding of each stream’s needs and approach, LKB was able to provide a unified approach for each stream. We developed an approach to communication and engagement that focused on storytelling, cultural engagement and the development of an educational community pop-up booth.
By working collaboratively and regularly engaging with the project leads, LKB was able to engage with the program’s project leads to better understand the purpose of their stream, the scope of work being delivered and their target audience.
With a clear understanding of each stream’s needs and approach, LKB was able to provide a unified approach for each stream. We developed an approach to communication and engagement that focused on storytelling, cultural engagement and the development of an educational community pop-up booth.
By working collaboratively and regularly engaging with the project leads, LKB was able to develop overarching key messages for the program in addition to tailored and specific messaging for each stream.
By taking a tailored approach to understanding the needs of each stream, LKB developed a communication and engagement plan that brought together all three streams of the program. We created a Seabirds to Seascapes specific activity plan that focused on four milestone achievements a year for each stream. This included Ministerial announcement opportunities, launch events, social media and media announcements, and the educational community pop-up booth.
Separate activity plans were then developed for each stream to manage regular communication and engagement activities such as social media progress updates, website content updates and stakeholder engagement.
LKB developed overarching key messages for the program in addition to tailored and specific messaging for each stream.
By taking a tailored approach to understanding the needs of each stream, LKB developed a communication and engagement plan that brought together all three streams of the program. We created a Seabirds to Seascapes specific activity plan that focused on four milestone achievements a year for each stream. This included Ministerial announcement opportunities, launch events, social media and media announcements, and the educational community pop-up booth.
Separate activity plans were then developed for each stream to manage regular communication and engagement activities such as social media progress updates, website content updates and stakeholder engagement.
Each stream had a clear approach to managing communication and engagement for their scope of work which was aligned and reflected the overall desired outcomes for the Seabirds to Seascapes program.
LKB also produced a content calendar to support implementation of the communication and engagement activities.