A QLD community roadshow, partnership program and communication and marketing outreach


Delivering a QLD community roadshow, partnership program and communication and marketing outreach.


Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care



The LKB Agency was engaged by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care to deliver a national community engagement campaign raising awareness and increasing participation in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

The national community engagement campaign included a launch event, a community roadshow, visiting 32 regional and metropolitan locations across Australia, and a workplace partnership program. The campaign was designed to target the three priority audience groups for bowel screening: First Nations communities, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities and Australians aged between 45 and 74 years.


LKB’s strategic approach brings together communication and engagement activities designed to reach target audiences and raise awareness about the screening program in locations where screening rates fall below the national average of 40.0%.

The key elements of the campaign include:

    • Community launch event in partnership with the Western Sydney Wanderers
    • Get behind it! Community roadshow and event trailer
    • Partnership workplace program
    • Marketing, communication and social media activities
    • Campaign brand and collateral development.

Community roadshow

To further target and engage with the three priority groups, LKB coordinated and delivered a national community roadshow. Between May and September, the team visited 32 locations where testing rates fall below the national average of 40.0% in NSW, QLD, Northern Territory and the ACT and raising awareness about the screening program and encouraging eligible Australians to do the test.

The largest stretch of the roadshow included both the Far North QLD and South East QLD legs.

Regional and metropolitan locations were targeted based on lower testing rates, such as Ayr (31.6%), Jimboomba (33.8%), Townsville (32.4%) and Ipswich (33.3%). The LKB team engaged with a range of local QLD communities, working closely with local councils and receiving endorsement from a range of council members and officials including the Mayor of Ipswich, Teresa Harding, and Amy Eden, Mayor of Cairns.

Partnership program

The partnership program engaged with workplaces and community groups to share information and collateral on the screening program on their owned channels and encourages employees to do the test. LKB developed multiple partner toolkits that are tailored to different workplaces with bespoke content and digital materials for distribution amongst their network. Workplaces were also offered the opportunity for a morning tea and visit from the community trailer.

LKB worked closely with local councils, organisations and businesses throughout Far North QLD and South East QLD to raise awareness about the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. The following QLD organisations are members of the partnership program:

  • Cairns Regional Council
  • Hinchinbrook Shire Council
  • Mackay Regional Council
  • Maranoa Regional Council
  • Scenic Rim Council
  • Arana Leagues Club, Brisbane
  • Arcare
  • Kenmore Gardens Probus
  • Queensland Health
  • Queensland Men’s Shed Association
  • Redcliffe City Mixed Probus Club
  • Redlands Probus Club
  • West Moreton Health
  • Half Moon Bay Marina
  • Metro South Health and Hospital Service
  • QLD Hydro
  • Gold Coast Health
  • Brendale Bunnings
  • Public Sector Commission.


The Get behind it! Community roadshow campaign has achieved:
Between July and August, the LKB team engaged with over 3700 people throughout Far North QLD and South East QLD with an estimated total reach of 15,208 people.
Multiple articles and advertisements issued in local Queensland publications, including The Beaudesert Times and MyCity Logan.
19 community engagement events organised across Far North QLD and South East QLD with visits from:

    • Mayor Amy Eden, Cairns Regional Council
    • Cllr Trevor Tim, Cairns Regional Council
    • Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort, Burdekin Shire Council
    • Mayor Teresa Harding, City of Ipswich Council
    • Representatives from Queensland Health.
A joint engagement day with BreastScreen Queensland in Jimboomba.
A workplace event with Cairns Regional Council.
Partner pitch packs and toolkits distributed to over 1700 potential partners and workplaces and 646 Government bodies.
19 confirmed QLD partners generated from the partnership campaign.
Radio coverage achieved on Ipswich Radio 94.9FM with Dr Andrew Rochford and Sweet FM with Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort from Burdekin Shire Council.

In 2024, The LKB Agency were selected to deliver a community engagement campaign for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. From the initial response to final delivery of services, The LKB Agency excelled in expectations. The team was well versed in the objectives of the campaign and program providing excellent strategy, delivery of events, stakeholder engagement and asset creation to encourage participation and normalise conversations around preventative health. The team are professional and delightful to work with. We would not hesitate to recommend Lucy, Kirsty and The LKB Agency team to engage for services.

– Victoria Smart, Department of Health and Aged Care