Ministerial roundtables with community and industry


Opening conversations between the NSW Government and industry.


Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW)


LKB Founder and Managing Director, Lucy Beytagh was asked to facilitate four roundtables across the portfolio of NSW Minister for Energy, Climate Change, Environment and Heritage, the Hon. Penny Sharpe MLC.

The Minister had received a high volume of requests from community groups and industry to meet with and discuss the opportunities and challenges across Energy, Climate Change, Environment and Heritage, and how the NSW government could work with community and industry to meet the needs of the sector.


Each session was centred on a different topic of either Energy, Climate Change, Environment or Heritage and involved between 20 and 30 community groups, subject matter experts and industry representatives attending to advocate for their needs, ranging from funding to better collaboration with government to policy change.

The sessions were structured around three key themes on the topic and Lucy facilitated the discussion through asking questions, raising challenges and opportunities for the group to discuss.

The Minister was able to listen to the group and provide advice or feedback throughout the session.

Outcomes were drawn from the discussion to help shape new initiatives, strategies and policy. Some of these included the NSW Heritage Strategy, 2023 Net Zero Bill to Parliament, energy policies and support and funding to environmental initiatives including the Great Koala National Park.

Lucy has since been invited to facilitate further roundtables focused on the NSW Heritage Strategy. These sessions will seek input from community groups and councils into NSW first ever Heritage Strategy.


Consultation and design of policy, strategy and initiatives with more than 100 community groups and more than 30 subject matter experts and industry representatives.

Facilitation of four roundtables from July to October.

Further facilitation services requested to support the development of NSW first ever Heritage Strategy with community groups and councils.